On the Christmas Eve of 2007, this Church in Balliguda, Khandamal District of Orissa, India was attacked and burnt by the fundamentalist groups. (Photographs Courtesy: Bishop. Samantha Roy)
When I survey this broken Cross
On which the nailed hand of Jesus hanging
I see harmony among people at a loss
And peace broken & community raging
Jesus on an old rugged cross was pressed
And was beaten again and again,
He came to liberate all the oppressed
But the greedy attack Him for vain gain
Though Cross is the reward for His acts of Liberation
Death could not chain Jesus, the Liberator,
For Resurrection is the reward for that crucifixion
So shall every victim 'll turn victor.
When I see the Broken Cross, I am reminded of the cross that I saw in a barroque church in a little village in Oberamergau in Germany. The cross was broken during the Second World War. Those who searched for the cross found everything except the hands and feet of the Crucified Lord. So they wrote below the cross the words, "Jesus has no other hands now except yours and no other feet except yours." The broken Jesus in Orissa has now no other hands eept ours and no other feet except ours. Let us run now to help our brother and sisters in Orissa in distress. Rosario Gomez, posted at 5.30 p.m. on Friday 12.08.2008.
When I survey the broken cross, I was reminded of the cross I saw in Germany in a village in Oberamergau, which was also broken during the Second World War. Those who searched for the cross were not able to find the hands and legs of the Crucified Lord. So, they wrote below the cross, " Jesus has no other hands than yours and no other feet than yours. Thus the brothers and sisters who were ill-treated and persecuted need our hand and feet to help them. Let us all stand up and run to their help and use our hands to lift them up in their distress. Rosario Gomez, posted at 5.25 p.m. on 12. 08. 2008.
Yes for sure .. all his sacrifice will not be of waste and I believe and pray that we see Victory ....
Its a wonderful post Bro..
When I survey the wondrous cross written by Issac Watts on the day reminded people about their commitment to Our Lord Jesus Christ, And now When I survey the broken cross reminds us to carry forward the mission of our Lord, prince of peace Jesus Christ to stand along with the oppressed.
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