Sunday, October 4, 2020

Prayers of Intercession: Black History Month

“I have a dream that our children will one day live in a nation

where they will not be judged by the colour of their skin

but by the content of their character”

cried out O God of justice, Martin Luther King Jr. several years ago,

and dear God that dream still remains unfulfilled,

and here we gather together in one voice, one heart and one mind

seeking your grace for justice to flown into our nations,

so that we can respect one another, treat each other in dignity and

uphold the truth that you have created each of us in your equal image.


God of justice, help us to recognise that this Black History Month

Is an opportunity to commit ourselves to strive for a just world,

Where you are calling us to give up our privilege, prejudice and supremacy.


We remember in prayer all the contributions of BAME communities for the society, specially we remember the Windrush generation, to whom justice has been denied and who were unjustly treated, we ask O God for your healing.


Specially during this global pandemic of COVID,

We have noted that this is not a great equaliser,

because people from Black, Asian, Minority and Ethnic communities are two to three times more likely to die with Coronavirus than the general population in the UK. We pray for your healing O God.


We remember in prayer people from Black, Asian, Minority and Ethnic communities, who are at greater risk of financial hardships, and could suffer a ‘double whammy’ of higher financial impact on top of disproportionate health effects. Help us as churches to look to the interests of these people O God in compassion and justice.


We remember in prayer that one in nine people have been unable to keep up with house bills during this COVID, which is six million people across UK are in debts, particularly affecting the poor people. God as we demand the chancellor to reset the debt and proclaim a debt jubilee, hear our prayers and help our governments to act wisely for the benefit of people who are vulnerable. 


We remember in our prayers all people’s movements for justice across the world who are raising the voice against the unjust systems of racism, capitalism, patriarchy, casteism, colonialism etc. Help us as churches to partner with these movements for justice and be your channels in bringing a difference to the world in which we live.


We uphold each of us joining at this special worship, as we leave this zoom, help us to keep reflecting and help us to act as your instruments in striving towards transforming our society, dismantling the walls of injustice and discrimination and to build bridges of love and peace. Help us to be your channels for racial justice, for gender justice, for economic justice and for ecological justice. Hear our prayers O God.


Sent us out into our localities to be agents of your kingdom, for we ask all these things in the name of our Lord and Liberator Jesus Christ. Amen



circuit service 04.10.2020

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