Saturday, June 13, 2020

Drawing the Faith - Sarah Laughs

Jai ho explains, "On a hot day when Trinity appeared as three strangers, Abraham received and hosted a dinner to them. On hearing that Sarah shall have a son at her old age, Sarah laughed out loud," 
When asked what is the message you give through this drawing, Jai ho replies, "It's ok to laugh, and God loves those who express their faith through laughter." 

Herewith i also attach a litany of laughter which was written based on the same text: 

A Litany of Laughter

Based on Genesis 18: 1-15


I will surely return to you in due season, and your wife Sarah shall have a son

Response: Sarah laughed


God does not live in shrines made of human hands

Response: Laughter


God is not served by human hands as if God needed anything

Response: Laughter


Trinity kneels in solidarity with Black lives matter

Response: Laughter


When members at our churches are dwindling is there hope for Christian faith?

Response: Laughter


Churches are now called to recognise and collaborate with God’s work in our communities

Response: Laughter


God is a collaborator God working with us and journeying with us towards a new creation

Response: Laughter


God’s love is all embracing and loves equally all people irrespective of one’s identities

Response: Laughter


We are moving forwards towards an uncertain future rather than to the old normal

Response: Laughter


Is anything too wonderful to the Lord?

Response: Laughter


God who chuckled when Sarah laughed and revealed Godself to them,

Help us to laugh with Sarah

and recognise that you are hearing our laughter

and are offering hope to us,

for laughter is a site of your divine intervention in our lives. Amen




13th June 2020








1 comment:

The second stringers said...

A nice interpretation Anna. Good work jai ho

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